Whoaaaaa…. Made you stop for a minute right?! Okay think about the last Monday workout you did and why you thought you had to do it? Ate like shit all weekend and needed to torture your body to burn off all the calories?! Had a super lazy weekend and wanted to get that Monday workout in because you needed to make up for not moving all weekend.
Noooo! We are doing this ALL wrong!!
Exercise should help relieve stress, not add to it!!
What if we said instead, I took the weekend to REST my body and because I did I deserve a workout. I ate like shit this weekend and partied way too hard, instead I am going to get back on track with my sleep and nutrition and instead of stressing out my body more, I am going to take today off and workout tomorrow.
What if exercise didn’t burn calories, would we treat it differently?
I know I would. Instead of using it as a way to burn fat and calories and push my body harder and harder, maybe I would really use it as a stress reliever or a way to just FEEL better. That said, maybe I wouldn't abuse it as much either right?! Instead of having to do doubles to burn all the calories, I would know that just one workout would make me feel good, strong and mentally better. JUST 1 , maybe even JUST 1 30 minute instead of 5.5 hours in one day.
THIS is absolutely still a journey of mine. A work in progress. I use to love my rest days and enjoy maybe a little flow to stretch in the morning or a light hike with the pups to enjoy their time and my time with them and Amber. But instead when my body was fighting against me telling me I was doing too much I didn’t listen and my rest days started turning into more and more WORKOUTS… I had to get strength in, I had to get my heart rate up! I kept fighting and fighting, and my body kept fighting back harder.